Angels & Outlaws, Inc.
Angels & Outlaws, Inc. is registered
with the IRS & State as a 501c3...
EIN: 92-2384918
The driving force behind this team is to positively impact the lives of individuals affected by addiction and incarceration through basic needs, messages of hope, resources, and outreach in Eastern Idaho (District 7).

Basic Needs:
We are requesting your partnership & commitment to join forces with us as we “Adopt Families in District 7 who are in immediate need of basic needs & assistance.” Your gift of $100 or more will help a family in need with food, utility assistance, vehicle repairs/registration & bridge the gap between the urgency of basic needs & the ability to move forward, knowing that these things are taken care of! Any size donation also helps us prepare for the upcoming requests that come through our Nonprofit on a weekly basis.

Adopt A Family
Imagine if you will for a moment what the overwhelming joy feels like in your heart as you watch a family: Mom, Dad, Grandparent, Aunts/Uncles, siblings & children, doing the very best they can yet quickly running out of hope, receive a Turkey Food Box & supplies at Thanksgiving, being able to share that meal with their family! Now imagine Christmas Time, bringing a Christmas Tree to an "Adopted Family", the joy that Christmas lights brings, presents under the tree & the miracle of the Season.
For THAT MOMENT their hearts have a leap of hope again, they start to feel empowered again, they have that feeling of someone actually gets it & cares.
Ready to make a HUGE difference?
Contact Us:
Outreach Specialist
Sandy Frew
P.O. Box 1384
Idaho Falls, ID